This Cinnamon Pineapple Smoothie Strengthens Knee Ligaments and Tendons

It could easily be said that knees are one of the most important joints in the human body because they promote proper body posture and they support movements or our legs while we walk, run, jump or stand. And, as the times goes by, we suffer from different injuries and wounds which can affect our knees.

These injuries make the ligaments and the tendons less flexible and mobile – because their lubrication is reduced.

The lubrication process is completely natural, but as we said, as we grow older – it’s significantly reduced. So, we all must do something and improve its flexibility, in order to make quick and sharp movements. You shouldn’t be worried, because in this article we are going to show you one extremely effective natural method, which will help you strengthen your ligaments and tendons. This will help you walk and run much better and it will make your life much easier.

This powerful drink is loaded with ingredients and compounds, which have strong anti-inflammatory that can relieve joint pain. It also contains high amounts of Vitamin C, bromelain, silicon, and magnesium. And these nutrients also provide strength and energy to all body parts and systems.
Cinnamon-Pineapple Smoothie for Healthy Joints – RECIPE


  • 1 cup (250 ml) of water
  • 0,25 Oz (7 gr) of cinnamon
  • Two cups of pineapple chunks (sliced)
  • 1 cup of instant oatmeal
  • 1 cup of raw natural orange juice
  • 1,5 Oz (40 gr) of crushed almonds
  • 1,5 Oz (40 gr) of raw honey


Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to cook the oatmeal. Then, you need to squeeze the juice from the pineapple chunks. Add the orange juice, cinnamon, honey, and almonds into a blender. When it’s still on, you need to add the oatmeal and add the pineapple juice in the blender. Blend again until you get a nice and smooth mixture.

Note: You can add some ice cubes and blend again. Enjoy your smoothie. You will notice that just after 2 weeks, your joints and knees will be much better and you can walk and even run without any problems. If you suffer from any type of joint pain, and if you want to strengthen the knee ligaments and tendons – then you should definitely try this cinnamon-pineapple smoothie.

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This Cinnamon Pineapple Smoothie Strengthens Knee Ligaments and Tendons Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Zeni Anjani